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genetically modified food 2016

Genetically modified food (in English: Genetically modified food) are foods that have been produced from genetically modified organisms that have been made some changes to the DNA using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques allow the development of new recipes as well as increased control over current recipes Unlike previous technologies such as selective breeding (plant breeding and animal husbandry), or mutation breeding.
It began to genetically modified food stalls in the market in 1994 when he Kalgin (Calgene) marketed a kind of late-ripening tomatoes, which called the Flavr Savr (Hafez name the flavor). Most genetic modifications focused on cash crops of high demand from farmers, such as soy, corn, canola, and cotton seed oil. Also been modified animal genetically engineered products. For example, in 2006, was modified pig engineered to produce omega 3 fatty acids through the expression of genes, which was produced controversial [1] [2]. [3] The researchers found the development of genetically modified strain of pigs that are its ability to absorb phosphorus plant more efficient, and as a result reduced the phosphorus content of manure by 60%. [4]
Critics objected to genetically modified foods for several reasons, including the perception tissue safety, [5] environmental concerns, economic concerns raised by the fact that these organisms are subject to intellectual property law.
Average food differs genetically from the natural food in adding genes from other species of plants, animals or bacteria. This process is often carried out through insertion of genes, leading to a change in the genetic characteristics. The modified gene technology and genetically lead to increased plant's ability to withstand the cold, for example, or increased resistance to pesticides or making them secrete special toxins to cope with insects.

The cultivation of genetically modified foods around the world

.It became the cultivated land area of ​​genetically modified plants about 125 million square kilometers at the end of 2008, which is equal to the size of France and Germany together, and stand behind the three countries and 80% of world production. The United States produces 50% of global production alone, while both Brazil and Argentina combined produce 30% of the produce Alanteg.o Canada, Kenya and India together have 15% of global production. The cultivation of genetically modified crops have risen steadily over the past decade. Grown genetically modified plants in 25 countries. And cultivated in Europe is limited, with an almost total land area. 1000 square kilometers and the majority of them located in Spain. Constitute half of global soybean area in 2008, and what else is a maize, cotton and sunflower oil. Corn is the only genetically modified, which is cultivated in Europe plant.


The tomato crop first commercially grown in genetically modified foods in food crops entire (and named FlavrSavr) and that have been modified to ripen without softening, by the California Calgene company. [6] took Calgene the initiative to obtain the approval body food for its release in 1994 without any special labeling, although it is not legally required to obtain such approval. [7] was welcomed by consumers who bought the fruit a big premium on the regular price of tomatoes. However, production problems prevented [6], and competition from fruits cultivated by conventional means, longer shelf life, product variety from becoming profitable. The alternative of Savr Flavr hoi was used by Zeneca to produce tomato paste, which was sold in Europe during the summer of 1996. [8] and described and the price has been designed to be marketing experience, which proved, at that time, that European consumers accept genetically modified foods.

Modified crops genetically growth

Between 1997 and 2005, the total land area planted with genetically modified organisms has increased by 50, from 17,000 km2 (4.2 million acres) of 900,000 km2 (222 million acres).
Although most of the genetically modified crops that are grown in North America, in recent years there has been rapid growth in the cultivated area in developing countries | The Developing Countries. For example in 2005 it was the largest increase in the crop area planted to crops modified genetically (soybeans) in Brazil (94,000 km 2 in 2005 compared to 50,000 km 2 in 2004.) There was also a rapid and continuous expansion of the varieties genetically modified cotton in India since 2002 (and longer cotton the main source of vegetable oils and animal feed | animal feed.) it is expected that in 2008/932 000 km 2 will genetically be cotton harvest rate in India (over 100 percent from the previous season). The average national yield of Indian cotton GM cotton least seven times in 2002, because Jusybayoum to plant the old cotton used in genetic engineering variable is not quite appropriate for the climate in India has failed. Encouraged publicity for the treatment of insect resistance to Bt gene transferred Aalaatmad the best performance of the hybrid cotton varieties, Bt treatment significantly reduced and the reduction of losses of insect predation. Although it's controversial and often disputed, however, it documented the environmental and economic benefits of Bt cotton in India to individual farms.
In 2003, the countries that have grown from 99% of GM crops in the world are the United States (63%), Argentina (21%) and Canada (6%), Brazil (4%), China (4%), and South Africa (1%). the estimated US grocery manufacturers that 75% of all processed foods in the US contain genetically modified, in particular, corn, Bt, which produces pesticides within the same plant components, has grown on a large scale, as well as designed Bean soybeans genetically engineered to withstand herbicide glyphosate. This "input traits" aimed at the financial benefit of producers, have environmental benefits and indirect benefits of the marginal cost to consumers.
In the United States, by 2006, 89% of the planted area of ​​soybeans, 83% cotton, 61% of corn varieties have become genetically modified. Not carrying soybeans genetically modified herbicide tolerance trait, but, corn, cotton holds both herbicide tolerance and insect protection attributes feature (and the latter largely thuringiensis bacterium coli by a deadly insect protein). In the period from 2002 to 2006, there were large increases in area planted for cotton Bt Protected corn, sorghum Stoic herbicide also an increase in spaces Almzruahban 1997 and 2005, the total land area planted with genetically modified organisms has increased by 50, from 17 000 km2 (4.2 million acres) of 900,000 km2 (222 million acres).

Although most of the genetically modified crops that are grown in North America, in recent years there has been rapid growth in the cultivated area in developing countries | The Developing Countries. For example in 2005 it was the largest increase in the crop area planted to crops modified genetically (soybeans) in Brazil (94,000 km 2 in 2005 compared to 50,000 km 2 in 2004.) There was also a rapid and continuous expansion of the varieties genetically modified cotton in India since 2002 (and longer cotton the main source of vegetable oils and animal feed | animal feed.) it is expected that in 2008/932 000 km 2 will genetically be cotton harvest rate in India (over 100 percent from the previous season). The average national yield of Indian cotton GM cotton least seven times in 2002, because Jusybayoum to plant the old cotton used in genetic engineering variable is not quite appropriate for the climate in India has failed. Encouraged publicity for the treatment of insect resistance to Bt gene transferred Aalaatmad the best performance of the hybrid cotton varieties, Bt treatment significantly reduced and the reduction of losses of insect predation. Although it's controversial and often disputed, however, it documented the environmental and economic benefits of Bt cotton in India to individual farms.
In 2003, the countries that have grown from 99% of GM crops in the world are the United States (63%), Argentina (21%) and Canada (6%), Brazil (4%), China (4%), and South Africa (1%). the estimated US grocery manufacturers that 75% of all processed foods in the US contain genetically modified, in particular, corn, Bt, which produces pesticides within the same plant components, has grown on a large scale, as well as designed Bean soybeans genetically engineered to withstand herbicide glyphosate. This "input traits" aimed at the financial benefit of producers, have environmental benefits and indirect benefits of the marginal cost to consumers.
In the United States, by 2006, 89% of the planted area of ​​soybeans, 83% cotton, 61% of corn varieties have become genetically modified. Not carrying soybeans genetically modified herbicide tolerance trait, but, corn, cotton holds both herbicide tolerance and insect protection attributes feature (and the latter largely thuringiensis bacterium coli by a deadly insect protein). In the period from 2002 to 2006, there were large increases in area planted for cotton Bt Protected corn, sorghum Stoic herbicide also an increase in spaces Almzruahban 1997 and 2005, the total land area planted with genetically modified organisms has increased by 50, from 17 000 km2 (4.2 million acres) of 900,000 km2 (222 million acres).
Although most of the genetically modified crops that are grown in North America, in recent years there has been rapid growth in the cultivated area in developing countries | The Developing Countries. For example in 2005 it was the largest increase in the crop area planted to crops modified genetically (soybeans) in Brazil (94,000 km 2 in 2005 compared to 50,000 km 2 in 2004.) There was also a rapid and continuous expansion of the varieties genetically modified cotton in India since 2002 (and longer cotton the main source of vegetable oils and animal feed | animal feed.) it is expected that in 2008/932 000 km 2 will genetically be cotton harvest rate in India (over 100 percent from the previous season). The average national yield of Indian cotton GM cotton least seven times in 2002, because Jusybayoum to plant the old cotton used in genetic engineering variable is not quite appropriate for the climate in India has failed. Encouraged publicity for the treatment of insect resistance to Bt gene transferred Aalaatmad the best performance of the hybrid cotton varieties, Bt treatment significantly reduced and the reduction of losses of insect predation. Although it's controversial and often disputed, however, it documented the environmental and economic benefits of Bt cotton in India to individual farms.
In 2003, the countries that have grown from 99% of GM crops in the world are the United States (63%), Argentina (21%) and Canada (6%), Brazil (4%), China (4%), and South Africa (1%) and an estimated US grocery manufacturers that 75% of all processed foods in the US contain genetically modified, in particular, corn, Bt, which produces pesticides within the same plant components, has grown on a large scale, as well as designed soybeans genetically engineered to withstand the herbicide glyphosate. This "input traits" aimed at the financial benefit of producers, have environmental benefits and indirect benefits of the marginal cost to consumers.

In the United States, by 2006, 89% of the planted area of ​​soybeans, 83% cotton, 61% of corn varieties have become genetically modified. Not carrying soybeans genetically modified herbicide tolerance trait, but, corn, cotton holds both herbicide tolerance and insect protection attributes feature (and the latter largely thuringiensis bacterium coli by a deadly insect protein). In the period from 2002 to 2006, there were large increases in area planted for cotton Bt Protected corn, sorghum Stoic herbicide also an increase in spaces Almzruahban 1997 and 2005, the total land area planted with genetically modified organisms has increased by 50, from 17 000 km2 (4.2 million acres) of 900,000 km2 (222 million acres).
Although most of the genetically modified crops that are grown in North America, in recent years there has been rapid growth in the cultivated area in developing countries | The Developing Countries. For example in 2005 it was the largest increase in the crop area planted to crops modified genetically (soybeans) in Brazil (94,000 km 2 in 2005 compared to 50,000 km 2 in 2004.) There was also a rapid and continuous expansion of the varieties genetically modified cotton in India since 2002 (and longer cotton the main source of vegetable oils and animal feed | animal feed.) it is expected that in 2008/932 000 km 2 will genetically be cotton harvest rate in India (over 100 percent from the previous season). The average national yield of Indian cotton GM cotton least seven times in 2002, because Jusybayoum to plant the old cotton used in genetic engineering variable is not quite appropriate for the climate in India has failed. Encouraged publicity for the treatment of insect resistance to Bt gene transferred Aalaatmad the best performance of the hybrid cotton varieties, Bt treatment significantly reduced and the reduction of losses of insect predation. Although it's controversial and often disputed, however, it documented the environmental and economic benefits of Bt cotton in India to individual farms.
In 2003, the countries that have grown from 99% of GM crops in the world are the United States (63%), Argentina (21%) and Canada (6%), Brazil (4%), China (4%), and South Africa (1%). the estimated US grocery manufacturers that 75% of all processed foods in the US contain genetically modified, in particular, corn, Bt, which produces pesticides within the same plant components, has grown on a large scale, as well as designed Bean soybeans genetically engineered to withstand herbicide glyphosate. This "input traits" aimed at the financial benefit of producers, have environmental benefits and indirect benefits of the marginal cost to consumers.
In the United States, by 2006, 89% of the planted area of ​​soybeans, 83% cotton, 61% of corn varieties have become genetically modified. Not carrying soybeans genetically modified herbicide tolerance trait, but, corn, cotton holds both herbicide tolerance and insect protection attributes feature (and the latter largely thuringiensis bacterium coli by a deadly insect protein). In the period from 2002 to 2006, there were large increases in area planted for cotton Bt Protected corn, sorghum Stoic herbicide also an increase in spaces Almzruahban 1997 and 2005, the total land area planted with genetically modified organisms has increased by 50, from 17 000 km2 (4.2 million acres) of 900,000 km2 (222 million acres).
Although most of the genetically modified crops that are grown in North America, in recent years there has been rapid growth in the cultivated area in developing countries | The Developing Countries. For example in 2005 it was the largest increase in the crop area planted to crops modified genetically (soybeans) in Brazil (94,000 km 2 in 2005 compared to 50,000 km 2 in 2004.) There was also a rapid and continuous expansion of the varieties genetically modified cotton in India since 2002 (and longer cotton the main source of vegetable oils and animal feed | animal feed.) it is expected that in 2008/932 000 km 2 will genetically be cotton harvest rate in India (over 100 percent from the previous season). The average national yield of Indian cotton GM cotton least seven times in 2002, because Jusybayoum to plant the old cotton used in genetic engineering variable is not quite appropriate for the climate in India has failed. Encouraged publicity for the treatment of insect resistance to Bt gene transferred Aalaatmad the best performance of the hybrid cotton varieties, Bt treatment significantly reduced and the reduction of losses of insect predation. Although it's controversial and often disputed, however, it documented the environmental and economic benefits of Bt cotton in India to individual farms.
In 2003, the countries that have grown from 99% of GM crops in the world are the United States (63%), Argentina (21%) and Canada (6%), Brazil (4%), China (4%), and South Africa (1%) and an estimated US grocery manufacturers that 75% of all processed foods in the US contain genetically modified, in particular, corn, Bt, which produces pesticides within the same plant components, has grown on a large scale, as well as designed soybeans genetically engineered to withstand the herbicide glyphosate. This "input traits" aimed at the financial benefit of producers, have environmental benefits and indirect benefits of the marginal cost to consumers.
In the United States, by 2006, 89% of the planted area of ​​soybeans, 83% cotton, 61% of corn varieties have become genetically modified. Not carrying soybeans genetically modified herbicide tolerance trait, but, corn, cotton holds both herbicide tolerance and insect protection attributes feature (and the latter largely thuringiensis bacterium coli by a deadly insect protein). In the period from 2002 to 2006, there were large increases in area planted for cotton Bt Protected corn, sorghum Stoic herbicide also an increase in spaces Almzruahban 1997 and 2005, the total land area planted with genetically modified organisms has increased by 50, from 17 000 km2 (4.2 million acres) of 900,000 km2 (222 million acres).
Although most of the genetically modified crops that are grown in North America, in recent years there has been rapid growth in the cultivated area in developing countries | The Developing Countries. For example in 2005 it was the largest increase in the crop area planted to crops modified genetically (soybeans) in Brazil (94,000 km 2 in 2005 compared to 50,000 km 2 in 2004.) There was also a rapid and continuous expansion of the varieties genetically modified cotton in India since 2002 (and longer cotton the main source of vegetable oils and animal feed | animal feed.) it is expected that in 2008/932 000 km 2 will genetically be cotton harvest rate in India (over 100 percent from the previous season). The average national yield of Indian cotton GM cotton least seven times in 2002, because Jusybayoum to plant the old cotton used in genetic engineering variable is not quite appropriate for the climate in India has failed. Encouraged publicity for the treatment of insect resistance to Bt gene transferred Aalaatmad the best performance of the hybrid cotton varieties, Bt treatment significantly reduced and the reduction of losses of insect predation. Although it's controversial and often disputed, however, it documented the environmental and economic benefits of Bt cotton in India to individual farms
In 2003, the countries that have grown from 99% of GM crops in the world are the United States (63%), Argentina (21%) and Canada (6%), Brazil (4%), China (4%), and South Africa (1%). [17] estimated the US grocery manufacturers that 75% of all processed foods in the US contain genetically modified, in particular, corn, Bt, which produces pesticides within the same plant components, has grown on a large scale, as well as designed soybeans genetically engineered to withstand the herbicide glyphosate. This "input traits" aimed at the financial benefit of producers, have environmental benefits and indirect benefits of the marginal cost to consumers.
In the United States, by 2006, 89% of the planted area of ​​soybeans, 83% cotton, 61% of corn varieties have become genetically modified. Not carrying soybeans genetically modified herbicide tolerance trait, but, corn, cotton holds both herbicide tolerance and insect protection attributes feature (and the latter largely thuringiensis bacterium coli by a deadly insect protein). In the period from 2002 to 2006, there were large increases in area planted for cotton Bt Protected corn, sorghum Stoic herbicide also an increase in spaces Almzruahban 1997 and 2005, the total land area planted with genetically modified organisms has increased by 50, from 17 000 km2 (4.2 million acres) of 900,000 km2 (222 million acres).
Although most of the genetically modified crops that are grown in North America, in recent years there has been rapid growth in the cultivated area in developing countries | The Developing Countries. For example in 2005 it was the largest increase in the crop area planted to crops modified genetically (soybeans) in Brazil (94,000 km 2 in 2005 compared to 50,000 km 2 in 2004.) There was also a rapid and continuous expansion of the varieties genetically modified cotton in India since 2002 (and longer cotton the main source of vegetable oils and animal feed | animal feed.) it is expected that in 2008/932 000 km 2 will genetically be cotton harvest rate in India (over 100 percent from the previous season). The average national yield of Indian cotton GM cotton least seven times in 2002, because Jusybayoum to plant the old cotton used in genetic engineering variable is not quite appropriate for the climate in India has failed. Encouraged publicity for the treatment of insect resistance to Bt gene transferred Aalaatmad the best performance of the hybrid cotton varieties, Bt treatment significantly reduced and the reduction of losses of insect predation. Although it's controversial and often disputed, however, it documented the environmental and economic benefits of Bt cotton in India to individual farms.
In 2003, the countries that have grown from 99% of GM crops in the world are the United States (63%), Argentina (21%) and Canada (6%), Brazil (4%), China (4%), and South Africa (1%) and an estimated US grocery manufacturers that 75% of all processed foods in the US contain genetically modified, in particular, corn, Bt, which produces pesticides within the same plant components, has grown on a large scale, as well as designed soybeans genetically engineered to withstand the herbicide glyphosate. This "input traits" aimed at the financial benefit of producers, have environmental benefits and indirect benefits of the marginal cost to consumers.
In the United States, by 2006, 89% of the planted area of ​​soybeans, 83% cotton, 61% of corn varieties have become genetically modified. Not carrying soybeans genetically modified herbicide tolerance trait, but, corn, cotton holds both herbicide tolerance and insect protection attributes feature (and the latter largely thuringiensis bacterium coli by a deadly insect protein). In the period from 2002 to 2006, there were large increases in area planted for cotton Bt Protected corn, sorghum Stoic herbicide also an increase in spaces Almzruahban 1997 and 2005, the total land area planted with genetically modified organisms has increased by 50, from 17 000 km2 (4.2 million acres) of 900,000 km2 (222 million acres).
Although most of the genetically modified crops that are grown in North America, in recent years there has been rapid growth in the cultivated area in developing countries | The Developing Countries. For example in 2005 it was the largest increase in the crop area planted to crops modified genetically (soybeans) in Brazil (94,000 km 2 in 2005 compared to 50,000 km 2 in 2004.) There was also a rapid and continuous expansion of the varieties genetically modified cotton in India since 2002 (and longer cotton the main source of vegetable oils and animal feed | animal feed.) it is expected that in 2008/932 000 km 2 will genetically be cotton harvest rate in India (over 100 percent from the previous season). The average national yield of Indian cotton GM cotton least seven times in 2002, because Jusybayoum to plant the old cotton used in genetic engineering variable is not quite appropriate for the climate in India has failed. Encouraged publicity for the treatment of insect resistance to Bt gene transferred Aalaatmad the best performance of the hybrid cotton varieties, Bt treatment significantly reduced and the reduction of losses of insect predation. Although it's controversial and often disputed, however, it documented the environmental and economic benefits of Bt cotton in India to individual farms.
In 2003, the countries that have grown from 99% of GM crops in the world are the United States (63%), Argentina (21%) and Canada (6%), Brazil (4%), China (4%), and South Africa (1%). US Grocery Manufacturers estimate that 75% of all processed foods in the US contain genetically modified, in particular, corn, Bt, which produces pesticides within the same plant components, has grown on a large scale, as well as soybeans designed genetically engineered to withstand the herbicide glyphosate . This "input traits" aimed at the financial benefit of producers, have environmental benefits and indirect benefits of the marginal cost to consumers.

In the United States, by 2006, 89% of the planted area of ​​soybeans, 83% cotton, 61% of corn varieties have become genetically modified. Not carrying soybeans genetically modified herbicide tolerance trait, but, corn, cotton holds both herbicide tolerance and insect protection attributes feature (and the latter largely thuringiensis bacterium coli by a deadly insect protein). In the period from 2002 to 2006, there were large increases in area planted for cotton Bt Protected corn, sorghum Stoic herbicide also an increase in spaces Almzruahban 1997 and 2005, the total land area planted with genetically modified organisms has increased by 50, from 17 000 km2 (4.2 million acres) of 900,000 km2 (222 million acres).
Although most of the genetically modified crops that are grown in North America, in recent years there has been rapid growth in the cultivated area in developing countries | The Developing Countries. For example in 2005 it was the largest increase in the crop area planted to crops modified genetically (soybeans) in Brazil (94,000 km 2 in 2005 compared to 50,000 km 2 in 2004.) There was also a rapid and continuous expansion of the varieties

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